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"Praise the Lord, who is my rock, He trains my hands for war and gives my fingers skill for battle." Psalm 144:1


Friend, we need nutrients fit for consumption! A healthy diet prepares us for the challenge of our work ahead. Therefore we begin our days with praise, a healthy diet includes praise and worship, it makes us strong and confident, knowing that our strength is in Him. God also teaches us in His word how to do battle, how to win! It is one thing to claim victory in Jesus, since we know that He has already won the battle for us, it is another thing to walk in this victory with our head held high each day. Let's suppose someone handed you victory in your hand, a letter, notarized, legalized, and presented to the world to establish before the world that you are a victor, how then would you live each day? As a victor! This is what Jesus has done for us. Verbally we shout, "There is victory in Jesus" while too often we are cast down and depressed, more convinced that we are struggling than that we are blessed with victory! This is not living the way that Jesus has intended for us to live. For this reason Jesus trains us up and prepares us for battle, yes because we often lay down the victory that has already been won for us and exchange it for the battle that our enemy pulls us into. I guess somehow unconvinced that the battle has already been won, so we have to win it for ourselves, which is impossible for man.


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